Step 9: Signup for Email Marketing

One of the biggest mistakes many bloggers make is not creating an email list from day one. Do remember, your list is your asset.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is sending commercial emails to your subscribers who have given permission to receive email communications from you.

Why do you need Email Marketing Service?

It is not possible to send emails to your list manually. You need to send different emails to a different set of people.

For example, your new subscribers should receive a welcome email, whereas your old subscribers should receive your regular newsletters. You cant send the same emails to your entire list.

You may have millions of followers on social media, but you don’t really own them.

If something happens to your Facebook or Instagram page, then what happens to your followers. You completely lost them. Right? This happened to many bloggers.

That’s a nightmare!

But you have complete control over your email list. You can contact your readers personally anytime you want.

It is important to have an email marketing service provider.

Email Marketing service allows you to,

  • Decide what emails to send
  • Schedule the order to send it
  • Decide when to send it
  • Schedule follow-up emails
  • Personalize emails using the name of the reader. (It matters a lot!)
  • Export your email list and use it for retargeting
  • Segment your subscribers into different groups to send a different set of emails.

Best Email Marketing Services

Here are some of the popular email marketing services.

Go through their price plan and choose the option that fits you best. I would suggest you start with a free or basic plan and then upgrade when you need it.

Use the form builder of your email service provider and create an opt-in form and embed it in your blog to convert your visitors into subscribers.

<< Step 8: Create Your Lead Magnet

Step 10: Launch Your Blog >>