Step 1: How To Find Your Niche Using 6P’s Secret Formula

Do you want to know how to find your niche?

Well, I am not going to tell you that this is the best niche, and go for it. But I am going to share about important 6p’s to find your niche that makes money.

The most profitable niches are not what you discover neither Google nor any other blog. You have to discover it within you. I mean to say that niche selection is a process of self-discovery.

Don’t worry! I am going to help you in choosing your blog niche that makes money.

First things first, What is a niche?

Niche is nothing but the topic of your blog. Choosing your niche is the most important part of your blogging journey.

Too many people skip over this step or pick a niche without researching it, and then they struggle to get ranking and, make money.

If you spend time doing your niche research, then you will find it much easier to get your blog ranking and earnings.

So spend the time upfront to find your niche properly and, you will find that the SEO becomes much easier.

The choice of your niche can either make or break your efforts of making money from your blog.

You have to consider a few factors before picking a niche for your blog. Without further delay, let me reveal the secret 6Ps to finding your niche that makes money.

How to Find Your Niche?

how to choose a blog topic

Find Your Niche: 6P’s :

  • Passion
  • Problem
  • Persona
  • Players
  • Profitable
  • Payment
how to find your niche

1. Passion for the topic

You need to possess a passion for the topic. Your passion should solve a problem and you should have the passion to solve that problem.

For example, I have a passion for Blogging and want to solve the problem of people who wants to start a blog or struggle to get traffic to their blog.

If you are not passionate about that topic, it will be difficult for you to write about it. You are going to burn out. Your passion will turn into poison.

Blogging can be taxing, especially if you don’t love what you are writing about.

A blog is not only a blog, but it is a part of you in some or the other way. You can share your thoughts and knowledge through it.

So never pick a niche based on how profitable that niche could be or just because some other bloggers are earning more in that niche.

2. Problem

Niche is a problem. Most people search to find the solution to their problems. People need a simple and quick solution to their problems.

You have to identify the problems that people are facing.

Pick one big problem you want to solve with your passion. The problem can be,

  • Business problem
  • Carrier Problem
  • Relationship Problem
  • Health problem
  • Creativity Problem
  • Money Problem

Just identify the big problem that you want to solve. Remember, I said just one! People should remember you for one thing.

Don’t be a Jack of all trades, master of none.

3. Persona

Persona is your target audience or micro-market. You have to narrow it down to the persona that you want to serve.

Many new bloggers make the fatal mistake of selecting niches like weight loss, health, relationships, etc.

These kinds of niches are high-traffic niches. You may think that by choosing these high-traffic niches, you can earn more.

But the answer is both YES and NO.

These niches are pretty wide niche and, there are so many people competing with each other.

They are the toughest niches for a new blogger to make money. Due to heavy competition, your motivation will drain out quickly.

The level of competition shouldn’t be too high. If so, you will struggle to rank your website in search engines unless or until you are ready to get paid traffic.

I am not telling you that you can’t make money in these niches. But it takes a lot of time and effort as a beginner.

Here comes micro-niche.

What is a micro-niche?

A specific narrowed-down niche is called a micro-niche. These niches are very specific and targeted and make more money in less time because it contains high-quality targetted traffic.

You have to identify the biggest and most specific problem in your chosen niche (From the above six problems).

The more specific the problem is, the lesser the competition.

For example, the problem of reducing tummy after childbirth is more specific than losing weight.

In simple words, The process is to understand who your blog readers are before you start writing.

If you don’t know who you are writing for, your blog may go in diverse directions and you end up writing to no one.

Because writing to everybody is a disaster. If you try to please everyone, then you will end up pleasing no one.

Describing your ideal reader helps you to generate better blog post ideas. You know exactly, how you can help your reader.

You know the challenges and struggles of your ideal reader. You know how to write for your ideal reader.

It will be easy for you to write once your target audience is set.

Your readers don’t care about how much you know. They only need a simple solution to solve their problem.

But, how to find your ideal reader?

Let me tell you an easy way to find your target audience.


Think about the problems faced by you.

If you are facing a problem, then it is 100% sure that there are thousands of others facing the same problem.

When I started my first blog, I didn’t know anything about SEO. I have done so many mistakes. Don’t know what to do and what not to.

Being a Developer, it was a simple task for me to start a blog. But as a new blogger, I was strumbled with so many questions like,

  • How to find my niche?
  • How to choose your target audience?
  • How to write headlines?
  • How to write SEO-optimized content?
  • How to get traffic? The list never ends.

I made many mistakes right from picking my niche. I didn’t stick with a single niche and wrote about all the topics I love.

I tried to please everyone and you know what? I made $0.

I learned from my mistakes. I started to learn about blogging and SEO. That’s how I found my target market.

I know that there are thousands of other new bloggers facing the same problem.
That is how TurnAllStones started!

Let me keep it simple.

If you can give a solution to a BIG problem, to a narrowed down segment in society, that segment will be ready to pay any price to get their problem solved.

4. Pick a Profitable Niche

Your niche should be a profitable, all-time-demand niche. These kinds of niches are known as evergreen niches.

An evergreen niche is one where the interest in the niche is constant over the years and, new people come into the niche regularly.

It includes parenting, making money, weight loss, cooking, and so on. Choose some specific topic in these profitable niches.

These niches are going to be profitable now and will still be profitable over the years.

People want to make money now. They wanted to make money 30 years ago and, they will still want to make money even after thirty years.

So setting up websites in these profitable niches with low competition means that you can earn profit from your blog now and in the future too.

It is a great way to build a long-term sustainable business.

Niches like covid or swine flu are not evergreen niches. Because they come and go quickly.

Of course, you can create and earn from this sort of niche. But it doesn’t build you a long-term business.

Because after a few years, once the interest in the subject has waned, the site stops profiting.

Meanwhile, Don’t fall under any no-demand category and pick a niche using Google Trends. Avoid picking a niche that is declining.

5. Players

You have to check the top players in your chosen micro-niche. Basically, it is all about competitor analysis.

It helps you to understand the difficulty level to rank for your keywords.

Create a spreadsheet and start logging all of the competing sites you can find and analyze their blog.

Even if there is high competition in your micro-niche, you can still rank if you know how to stand out in the crowd.

You should find a unique way to differentiate yourself from others.

Check where they are lacking and think about how you can fill that gap in your style.

Remember, what is important is, that you should know how you are going to make your blog stand out in the crowd.

You can succeed with your smart and determined work even if the competition is high. But it takes extra time to reach your goal.

6. Payment

For getting payment, you have to plan your monetization method.

What is monetization?

Monetization is the process of converting your website traffic into revenue. You have to plan your monetization method from day one.

Yes, you heard it right.

Analyze the top players in your chosen niche. Find out what monetization methods they are using.

Then, check whether that monetization method helps you to make money or not.

For example, let’s say your blog is all about cooking and you want to monetize your blog using affiliate marketing.

Now you can’t promote a product like a watch or something when your niche is about cooking. You should only promote the products that are related to cooking.

Moreover, if you want to choose an advertising or affiliate program, it is important to pick a niche where people can make online purchases.

Some products like laptops and jewelry don’t tend to be bought online.

If you were buying a $1000 laptop, would you like to buy it online to save a few bucks, or, from a reputable shop?

All of the above points you need to take into consideration when you are choosing your niche.

If you consider all the above six steps properly, then you will be able to find your perfect niche.

To wrap it up, When your passion solves a problem of a targeted persona in a profitable market, then you can get paid for it.

More tips to find your niche

Select a niche that is popular in the US or UK with high commercial value(CPC) for more revenue.

Every person has a skill in which he or she is good. Your first task is to write down a list of all the skills you are good at, no matter how small they could be.

Think about your hobbies, interests, and your dreams, and other things you know well.

Evaluate each of your blog topics using the above 6P method.

find my niche

Don’t worry if most of your ideas end up as no-go niches. There will be at least one gem in that. Repeat the process and find out until you find your niche.

I hope now you know how to find your niche and have a few blog niche ideas that you want to narrow down to start your blog.

Now you have to understand whether or not the niche is best and one that is worth pursuing.

Do you have any good niches now? Well, great then. Do let me know in the comment section.

Before you leave, check How to choose your blog name (9 Important Tips)

Step 2: Set Up Your Blog >>

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